In case anybody was wondering, this blog is named after a song by an American band called Experimental Dental School, or XDS as I think they're currently known. They have the whole album, Forest Field, that the song is taken from for free at their website, here. It's guitar twang-and-shriek, drums rattle, and vocal sometimes-harmonised weird goodness.
It used to be a guy on guitar and a girl on drums. Now it's the same guy on guitar and a new guy, replacing the girl, presumably on drums. They're in the process of making a new album and it'll most likely be good.
Obviously thanks to them, but also thanks to Cardiff-based gig promoters Loose who put on Experimental Dental School almost two years ago at Buffalo Bar that I decided to attend on the off-chance of it being good. (It was good, by the way).
Listen to Basement Fever and Cheap Winer River (I didn't think that was as good a name for a blog) below.
Experimental Dental School - Basement Fever
Experimental Dental School - Cheap Wine River
Basement Fever