Selena Gomez Role - Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie

Selena Gomez wizards disney dreamingin 2009, Selena Gomez Role as Alex Russo in Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie (Disney Channel Original Movie)...

Wizards of Waverly Place: Stone of Dreams is the film adaptation of the American television series, Wizards of Waverly Place.

Wizards of Waverly Place: Stone of Dreams film will be released as a Disney Channel Original Movie. Production for the movie began on February 15, 2009 in Puerto Rico. The rest of the movie'll be filmed in NYC, New York and LA, California.


* Selena Gomez as Alex Russo
* David Henrie as Justin Russo
* Jake T. Austin as Max Russo
* Maria Canals Barrera as Theresa Russo
* David DeLuise as Jerry Russo
* Jennifer Stone as Harper Finkle