Selena Gomez - Walker, Texas Ranger - Trial by Fire

Selena GomezSelena Gomez played in Walker, Texas Ranger; episode "Trial by Fire" as Julie...Walker, Texas Ranger is an American TV western/police drama/Action series, created by Lesie Grief and Paul Haggis. It aired on CBS with 3 pilot episodes followed by 8 full seasons, from April 21, 1993 to May 19, 2001, was broadcast in over 100 countries, and has since spawned at least one made-for-TV movie. It was originally conceived on August 6, 1987. DVD sets of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and final seasons have been released. At various times since 1997, reruns of the show have aired, in syndication, on the USA Network, Showcase Action, and Hallmark Channel.

The show was known for its moral values. For example, the characters refrained from the use of drugs, and they participated in community service. Martial arts were shown prominently as the primary tool of law enforcement and occasionally as a tool for Walker and company to reach out to the community.

The show has gained a following for its camp appeal, thanks largely to its improbable combination of martial arts and modern Western genres, and to the resurgent popularity of its star, Chuck Norris.